Nayanthara, the South Indian glam doll who made her comeback into Tamil cinema after a brief hiatus is now a busy bee and has several offers up her sleeve. Among them are the Ajith-Vishnuvardhan movie, 'Raja Rani', Idhu Kadhirvelanin Kaadhal and the Tamil-Telugu remake of Kahaani among others. She has denied the rumours that she is all set to share screen space with Sundar C in 'Aranmanai.'
The Bollywood actress Tabu made a phenomenal landing into Mollywood almost a fifteen years ago, with the Priyadharshan movie ' Kaalapani' which ran in many festivals. She was also seen donning the female lead in the movie 'Coverstory'.
Now after a decade from these movies, the tall actress will soon be making a comeback with the new movie 'Angry Birds'. What a title! Hope it creates the same effect as the game that got each one addicted to.
Tips on Preserving Expensive Clothes
Wrap the clothes in white cotton or muslin before storing. This will help in preserving the color and the sheen on the dress.
If you do not plan to wear these clothes for a few months, do not iron it before storing. It is better to iron it just before wearing it.
It is a good idea to air the clothes, away from direct sunlight, twice a year.
Never use napthalene balls along with heavy clothes with zari work on it, as they will get tarnished.
Avoid spraying perfume directly on the zari embroidery of such clothes.
If clothes have perspiration smell, dry clean them before storing them away and remember to give them only to a trusted launderer.
If the clothes have got stained while usage, never pack them inside before getting rid of them. They may turn out to be a stubborn stain.
Fabrics should not be over exposed to sunlight.
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